2011年6月21日 星期二


計劃只是美好的願望而已,除非計劃立即變成努力的投入。Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work.

Live a life as sample as you are.過你自己想過的簡單生活吧。

別人的話聽聽就好,不一定要照做,做你自己覺得很棒的事。Don’t do what others say, just listen them, but do what you feel good.

除非承擔義務的實行,否則只是承諾,希望... 不算是計劃。 Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes... but no plans.

The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity.企業家總是尋找變化,對變化做出回應,利用它作為一個機會


今日的疑慮是實踐理想的唯一障礙。The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.

The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully 19 have been kindness , beauty and truth .理想為我照亮的路途,在之後也給我新的勇氣去面對人生,此即-真、善、

這個世界上出人頭地的人,都是自己去尋找機會的人,要不,他們就自己去創造機會。The people who get on in this world are the people who get upand look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them, make them.

永遠不能依照過去去計畫未來。You can never plan the future by the past.

蘆洲帥爸Power (康有力)
